Haitians sing hymns and children cry pierced the night sky

Published on by Will Lee


Haiti after the earthquake, in the dark night sky, the rumble of the survivors gathered in the open space, the singing of religious hymns, pray for peace and reunification.


Sing hymns are from the female, voice echoing in the mountains and the streets, Haitians as a memory of the victims, and pray to God to alleviate their suffering. Haiti's massive earthquake killed thousands of people, the majority of the capital, Port—au—Prince had collapsed.


Although the hymn has brought comfort to people, but some children lying wounded on the streets, their moans and sobbing voice pierced the night sky, the people never forget the sudden disaster.


Haitian businessman Manuel Deheusch arrived from the neighboring Dominican Republic to Haiti for confirming their friends, family and property status.


He called: "the world should lend a helping hand. We rely on themselves unable to survive the disaster." He shook his head helplessly, while driving in the ruins next to the names of relatives and friends calling.


Streets littered with corpses, some victims without shelter block lying on the ground. Villa Creole Hotel  is the reporter and rescue those who spend the night where there are two dead bodies outside of the door.


Outside of the hotel, a local volunteer trying to save more of the wounded and the homeless, but he said: "it is basically an impossible task."



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<br /> Praying and hoping for children Haiti<br /> Problem in France, people wich waiting a adopt child ask for governement acceleration the transfert their child from Haiti,petition<br /> <br /> http://translate.google.be/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://rapatriement-haiti.over-blog.com/&ei=2QVbS4jnLdG14QbMpLzsBA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CA8Q7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Drapatriement-haiti.over-blog.com/%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG<br /> http://rapatriement-haiti.over-blog.com/<br /> <br /> In memory great poet Gary Klang poets a page on a site in Québec<br /> http://www.vertpomme.net/pages/poesies.htm<br /> <br /> http://www.vertpomme.net/pages/papier_lettres/photos_pays_haiti.htm<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Pray for every people in Haiti. Everything will be all right. Thanks for your consideration. Will<br /> <br /> <br />